F A Q 's

What is vicarious liability?

What is the differance between Civil and Criminal proceedings?

Can I be sent to prison for a health & safety offence?

Is there a legal requirement to display a Health and Safety poster at work?

If staff smoke inside a works van, are they breaking the law?

Are all accidents that result in an employee missing 3 days RIDDOR reportable?

What breaks am i allowed under the Working Time Directives?

When does a CDM project become notifiable?

Can a person work alone at a workplace?

What is the minumum and maximum temperature for a workplace?

Can employees charge workers for personal protective equipment?

What powers does a H&S inspector have?

Corporate Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Act 2007

Since April 6th 2007, companies and organisations can now be found guilty of corporate manslaughter as a result of serious management failures resulting in a gross breach of a duty of care.The Act clarifies the criminal liabilities of companies including large organisations where serious failures in the management of health and safety result in a fatality.Although the new offence is not part of health and safety law, it will introduce an important new element in the corporate management of health and safety. Prosecutions will be of the corporate body and not individuals, but the liability of directors, board members or other individuals under health and safety law or general criminal law, will be unaffected. And the corporate body itself and individuals can still be prosecuted for separate health and safety offences.

 For further information, click here.


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